Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ryan G: Adeptiprep is Done!

     With Adepticon quickly approaching, I have managed to finish everything that I will be needing yesterday.  This will be my first year at Adepitcon, so I kept my schedule pretty light so I can have a chance to walk around and take it all in.  I am playing in the 1000 point "How you use it" on friday night with my Ogres that I have been painting up and posting on the site.  I am happy with how the army has turned out, but I am glad I did not do the championships, because I don't think I would have gotten enough points painted for that. 
     Saturday, I will be doing the Stuper Bowl!  Ladies and gentlemen, meet your soon to be beloved Talabheim City Chiefs!
     I love Blood Bowl, and decided to finally paint up my Human team so that I can play something a little different than what I am used to.  The other two teams that I regularly play are Orcs and Halflings, and I like the Humans for the passing and quick scoring aspect.  I have greatly enjoyed playing in the Waaaghcast on-line league and I am super stoked for this tournament.
    That is prety much all I have to throw up at the moment, but I am really looking forward to Adepticon, and hopefully hanging out with all the people that I have been playing blood bowl with on-line, and have seen in passing at other tournies.  Good luck to everyone going, and I'll see ya there.

Ryan G