Friday, November 18, 2011

Ryan G: 1000pt vs Daves Beastmen

     Okay, here we go again.  Month two, we are at 1000 points, and I am battling Dave and his Beastmen.
     We played a normal battle line scenario, and my list contained:

Brusier - General
7 Ogres
8 Ogres
3 Leadbelchers


     I don't remember exactly what Dave had, but it pretty similar to the one he battled Joe with except he swapped out a Bray Shaman for a Wargor.  It started off with me getting first turn, and marching straight ahead at him.  Did some shooting, missed with Scraplauncher, and minimal wounds from LB's.  His turn was moving forward, most things straight forward, but did put Harpies to the side of the Scraplauncher, and hid one of his casters in the tower.  In Magic, he casted the buffed Amber Spear at Scraplauncher and did 3 wounds. 

     Turn two was again uneventful for me.  Just repositioned my troops, scraplauncher again missed, and LB's killed 2-3 bestigors.  His turn 2 he charged both the Bestigors and Harpies into the LB's, and move the rest of his stuff forward.  Again a buffed Amber Spear hit the Scraplauncher, but only did 1 wound leaving it with one left.  Bestigors and Harpies destroyed the LB's and chased them down.

     Turn 3 I charged my 7 Ogres w/ Bruiser into his Minotaurs and my 8 Ogres into his Bestigors.  Shooting did much better for me as I hit a pile of scrap on top of his wizard in the tower and killing blowed him.  Both units of Ogres were successful and broke both his Mino's and Bestigors.  The Bestigor breaking caused the Harpies to panic, but my Ogres by the Mino's only managed to roll a 3 for pursuit and were left out to dry for a flank charge my Dave's Gors.  He then charged my Ogres in the flank on his turn with his Gors.  He caused my unit to break, but failed to run them down.  He also failed to rally with both the 1 remaining Mino, and his Harpies, and the Harpies ran off the table edge.
     Turn 4 I had no charges so I just rallied and repositioned my remaing units.  Scraplauncher killed 3-4 Gors and then on his turn he charged the Gors back into my Ogres.  This time he rolled snake eyes for his primal fury and became frenzy as well.  Again he broke my Ogres and this time managed to run them down.

     Turn 5 I took my 2 Sabertusks into his last Mino to try and gather the rest of those points.  I managed to do 2 wounds, but then he killed one of my Sabers.  His turn he repositioned his troops and then got off a Wyssan's on his Mino making him toughness 5.  He then killed off the remaing Sabertusk and his Mino survived the battle. 

     Turn 6 was really uneventful, as we were both out of range to get back in combat with each other so the game ended.  Overall it was a draw with him getting 703 vitory point, and myself getting 606.  Very good game, and could have easily went either way.  Had he just gotten that extra wound on the Scraplauncher, or had I got the final wound on his Minotaur it would have been a win. 

Great game, great time.

Ryan G

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ryang19: 1000 pts

     Month two is here, and we have now increased to 1000 points.  My army did extremely well at 500 just because of the brute force of it.  Nothing that Joe and Dave had could stop my main block of Ogres if it got into combat with them.  So for this month, I kept the same strategy, and we'll see if it will pay off.

My 1000 points are as follows:
Brusier - General
7 Ogres w/ full command
8 Ogres w/ full command
3 Leadbelcher w/ Bellower
2 Sabertusks in 1 man units
     I chose to still only have one hero, because I think the troops are going to be more important at low points.  I really do miss magic and a BSB though, and think they will be coming out to play rather soon. The Ogre blocks will again try to close the gap quickly and get into combat asap.  Leadbelchers are just amazing, and in my opinion so far, should be in every Ogre Kingdoms army.  I really like the Scraplauncher model, but have not really had a chance to use it, so that will be interesting considering I have a lot of toughness three targets in both Joe and Dave's amries.  As you can see in the pictue, I am not using the normal GW Sabertusk models, and have decided to use some lion models I found through Crocodile Games as substitutes.  They fit very nicely into my African theme, and I severely dislike the GW models.  The lions are a bit smaller than I had hoped for, but when comparing them to GW horses, then are to scale to what a lion should be to a horse so I am happy.
    I am almost done with the launcher already, then I will get started on the sabers.  I am still enjoying painting this army, and I hope I continue to enjoy playing it.  I have over doubled the model count this month which was to be expected.  For these first few months, I am trying to include units that I feel I will use in the army 99% of the time so it might not make for the best build right now, but it should pay off in the end.
